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June 30 2021
I’m slightly ashamed to admit that I used to be a very different person. I used to be the kind of farmer who wore the long hours like a badge of honor
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June 29 2021
To tell an effective agriculture story online, a farm should consider who they’re trying to reach, what information they want to share, and what content will do the best job of reaching consumers
June 28 2021
While our methods may have changed over time, providing a safe product for our consumers is the goal of every dairy farmer
June 25 2021
Farmers tend to be most enthusiastic and tell our best anecdotes to fellow farmers; however, paring down stories or biting our tongue on details about our farm can be a true disservice to the consumer...
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June 21 2021
Waking at the crack of dawn is nothing new for Indiana dairy farmer Jill Houin. However, feeling like a celebrity with a police escort and a crowd of fans is not her typical morning routine
June 17 2021
Farming is a dangerous occupation, but the costs of health insurance leave many uncovered or underinsured
June 2 2021
Advocating for agriculture online means connecting with those you’re trying to reach
June 1 2021
Dairy farmers and the industry support one another with their shared passion and dedication
May 27 2021
Time seemed to be traveling at a weird speed through this past pandemic year. Yet, somehow, we are already in the last week of May
May 24 2021
I have been known as my father’s little helper since the day I could walk. Growing up on a family-run dairy near Fort Atkinson, Iowa, all hands were on deck
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May 20 2021
If you entered this year’s Hoard’s Dairyman Cow Judging Contest but didn’t see your name on the winners' lists in our May issue, don’t beat yourself up too badly
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May 19 2021
I am not an easy person to work with, and I’ve never said or thought otherwise. When it comes to my cows, I am fierce
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May 10 2021
Human beings are complex, and that means our interactions are, too
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May 5 2021
Every romantic comedy ever proves just how easy it is to find your true love
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May 4 2021
I’ve been reading the book “Grit” by Angela Duckworth. She defines grit as passion and perseverance for long-term goals
April 30 2021
It’s dairy banquet season, at least in Iowa. It’s the season where dairy producers and supporters come together to honor outstanding farming families, recognize friends of the industry
April 28 2021
Assembling an “A-Team” roster and not just people on your payroll is easier than most think
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April 26 2021
Many of us who grew up on a farm or raised kids on a farm often say that it’s one of the best childhoods there is
April 23 2021
Each year that I’ve been an undergraduate student at Cornell, my Sigma Alpha chapter has put on an event that we like to call “The Art of Agriculture.”
Field Top
April 22 2021
This has been a disappointing week in my little corner of the world